What is Abstract Art ?


- one without a recognisable subject.

- one which doesn't relate to anything external or try to "look like" something.

Instead - colour and form (and often the materials and support) are the subject of the abstract painting.

It's completely :

Source : http://www.about.com – part of an article by Marion Boddy-Evans. A South African artist, writer, and photographer.

To view Abstract Art : http://www.hiltonedwards.com


Rupadas said…
LOVE your work!!
can abstract art have a recognizable subject, but in an abstract way?? Picasso? Cubism??
Abstract art is now generally understood to mean art that does not depict objects in the natural world, but instead uses colour and form in a non-representational way.
In the very early 20th century, the term was more often used to describe art, such as Cubist and Futurist art, that depicts real forms in a simplified or rather reduced way—keeping only an allusion of the original natural subject. Such paintings were often claimed to capture something of the depicted objects' immutable intrinsic qualities rather than its external appearance. The more precise terms, "non-figurative art," "non-objective art," and "non-representational art" avoid any possible ambiguity.
Source : From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rupadas said…
Thank you for that clarification.
Liz McQueen said…
Hi Hilton,
Interesting points on Abstract Art. So what is art which has some semblance of realism but distorts and exaggerates etc.? I am still a fan.
Liz McQueen

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